I'm Andrea Rose, the founder + formulator of Honey Rose Botanicals. I was inspired to start this business in 2014 after making soaps for family and friends out of a small kitchen in my home which quickly grew into a professional studio-lab, organic gardens, a decade of herbal training and eventually my own hives that I steward with my Dad. (Fun Fact: its been a life long dream of his which I've inspired to blossom into fruition!)
My Story
My story didn't start out as an herbalist, in fact I've had many lives before this. But nothing lit up my soul quite like returning + remembering nature. At a young age I found passion in nourishing my body which caused me to read the labels on ingredients of the food and products I was consuming. After I continuously learned more about the ingredients in my soaps, deodorants and lotions -- and the ever changing ingredients in the "natural" products I was using, I came to the realization that the only way to truly know what I was putting on my skin was to make them myself. After finding a real passion in the alchemy of skincare, I went on to learn aromatherapy - which is where I learned distillation and the sustainability issues of essential oils, the proper amounts to incorporate them for medicinal + therapeutic purposes, as well as the insane amount of plant material it requires to produce them. Thanks to this knowledge I took a pledge to only use the bare minimum amount of EO in our products and incorporate our very own distilled hydrosols every chance we can!
I then went on to herb school which taught me how to properly formulate synergistic remedies for internal and external consumption, plant + mushroom identification, the proper seasons to harvest specific parts of the plants for the utmost potency and a new way of communing with the land.
After many years of training in identification, I went on to learn about medical astrology which instilled an ancient practice of alchemy into my creations. While our soap demand is too strong to concoct every batch aligned with the moon + stars, we ensure that our extracts infused into all of our products are!
But Bees--- I've always felt a deep connection to them, almost as if it were passed down in my ancestral lineage or from a past life - and once I knew they were calling me, we accepted each other with grace. I've become a steward of these magical beeings 3 years ago and my life, as well as my business has changed. I've found a deeper purpose within my life and as for HRB - We now harvest all of our own honey + beeswax incorporated into our products (which feels like a prophecy has been fulfilled.) and we tend to them organically, with so much love and gratitude for their services.
If you feel our energy would be a great vibe for your shelves we would be honored to work with you!
Let's connect!
For wholesale inquiries send us an email!